Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some things NEVER change...

So it has been many years since I have had the distinct pleasure of living with Mom. Some of you will appreciate and understand my saying that life is never boring when living with Mom. And as I have discovered that despite the years that have passed some things never change.

A brief story to illustrate...

So I have this fire detector that is very sensitive. I complain about it all the time, I can not cook bacon in my house with out this damn thing going off. So one night last week Mom and I were sitting in the living room eating dinner and watching Survivor when all of a sudden to my surprise what do I guessed it...the fire detector was going off. I look at her, she looks at me, I begin to yell "great now the damn thing is going off when nothing is cooking".

It was to my great surprise when I went into the hallway it was not going off for no reason the hall was full of smoke. Then I hear "Oh no...the beets, the beets!!". Really the beets, yes you heard or rather read me right I said the beets. Mom had been boiling beets, which had boiled for so long that the water was gone and now the beets were being pan fried (or burned). We then had to run around the house 1) to save the beets (of course) & 2) try and air out the house so the smoke alarm would stop going off.

When all was said and done she explained to me that she was simply testing the smoke detector to make sure that it would still respond to actual smoke. Thanks Mom.

My house still has a faint beet odor and my pan will never be the same, but I am glad to know that some things in life never change.


  1. I bet you will never look at a beet and not remember your mother. I love it!

  2. Boring is not in your mother's vocabulary and life with her is not either!! You will cherish this moment for the next 7 months for sure! Ah, the memories we make!
