Mom has made it to Virginia, but hey we all knew she would. If she puts her mind to something she can do anything, raise 4 kids...go to college...walk 2200 miles...I am excited (maybe a little scared) to see what is next on the To-Do list. Anyway, I heard from her this morning and she is in good spirits. Aside from needing a new pair of boots things couldn't be going any better. Yesterday was her last time to visit with and receive a food drop from Meme. I just went and sent food box #1 for her to pick up next week. I am grateful that Meme was able to meet her these first few weeks it put all our hearts at ease knowing that she had family near by if she needed it. And Meme, I thank you it has meant a lot to me and others for you to have been able to do that for her.
Here are some more pics that Meme was able to get yesterday at their meeting in Damascus, VA. And hey is anyone else noticing...Mom is getting buff. The pounds are a dropping I guess all of those who want to drop a few know a new diet that actually works.

Lodging last night (Damascus, VA)

Mom and Meme (aunt)

Mom and Mark (cousin)
She is coming off the trail next week for a three day all out party known as Trail Days. 30,000 hikers invade Damascus every year and enjoy things ranging from water gun fights to talent shows and more. Please see the following address if you want to learn more
Tell your mom that Athena says, you go girl!
ReplyDeleteHey Donna,
ReplyDeleteWell first I miss you horribly. Great job! Keep going. I'm sure you're glad you boxed your food. Go Nature!
Mark and I have been so happy to be just a small part of Donna walking her life long dream. I am not a hiker nor will I ever be, but I have talked to many hikers in meeting up with Donna each week. Some have done it several times and they tell me it is not easy. Not easy at all! So I have great admiration for those that start the hike and finish the hike. A great percentage of those that start the AT Trail quit before even getting out of Ga. The Community of Hikers are just like a close knit family and they take care of one another and help when help is needed. Not sure Donna is going to like my next comment, but hey I am older and hopfully can get away with it. She asked that I not tell her family and worry them, but the dangers have passed and I want you all to know that she is not going to let anything stop her from reaching her goal of hiking the AT Trail. 2 weeks ago this coming Sat. when Mark and I went to meet with her we found that the day before she had fallen and hurt her knee and by the looks of the long black and blue her leg as well. My son immediately took her to town to get ice packs as well as bandaging it up. She could barely bend it, but had hiked the rest of the day she did it! She felt she knew her body better than anyone and that she could walk thru the pain and bruising. She and I kept in touch every day or so and she knew that at a drop of the hat I would be there to bring her to my home so she could stay off of it. NOT....... She did walk thru it each day and did 26 miles in one day, so they would be in Dasmascus to meet with my son and I. Yesterday we met and the swelling has come down and the pain is less. It pretty much only bothers her a lot when she tries to lay down to sleep. She and 2 of her hikers buddies stayed an extra day in Erwin to give it a rest and a short, really short healing time. Is this a strong determined lady or what?????? Yesterday we took care of getting her some hiking boots that are the right size. Little did any of us know that a person hiking the AT will have their feet get bigger. Like 2 sizes bigger. This happens mostly to the female hikers, but some males also get bigger feet. It has something to do with the muscles etc. in a person feet. WHO KNEW!!!! Imagine my shock when sitting with her trying on 200.00 boots being told this. " These boots and all other hiking boots will only last until you get to Pa. and then you have to buy new ones." Not because ones feet keep growing, but because they will be wore out. Oh my, I about fell off the bench at that one. Donna has met many a high mountain and gone over it. Some times with a lot of pain, sweat and probably tears. Each week as I meet and talk and best of all listen to other hikers, some that have done it several times, my admiration grows for them, but most of all for Donna. I know some of you have said, " I will meet you and hike for a day with you when you get back to New England." I say do it, for you will get a tiny peak into the world of the Hiker.
ReplyDeleteHer world for 6 months. Me, I walked about 25 feet on the trail on one of our meets and it was stright and even and that was about all I was willing to do. But Mark and I have been privileged to be a very tiny part of that world each week and it was great and something I shall never forget.
This message is for Donna. I love you and wanted your family and friends to know just what a strong women you are.