Monday, September 28, 2009
End of the trail??
Hello all - I am sure that you are all asking yourselves, is she done? is this out of her system now? The short answer is NO. I am off to finish the Long Trail in Vermont. I am leaving this week and will return once I have reached Killington, Vermont from the Canadian border. It is only 170 miles so I don't expect that it will take me too long to finish and then I can look forward to more substantial goals like the PCT (2650 miles), CDT (3100 miles), or the IAT (1400 miles). I will write again when I return from the LT.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Last Food Box
Well everyone I just finished packing the very last food box. It feels unreal and a little sad too, this whole adventure has been fun for everyone and it is soon to end. She expects to finish in about 2 weeks. I am so excited for her and proud. I know that she will be making entries herself when she gets done to share stories and pictures, so stayed tuned. Since this maybe my last entry I wanted to say Thank You to everyone who found it in their heart (& pocket) a donation for Mom's fundraising efforts for the MS Society.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mom is in Maine

I heard from Mom last night, she was at a hostel in Andover, Maine. She is still in good spirits, but the hiking has not gotten any easier. She said that it has been more like rock climbing than hiking, the picture is of Old Blue Mountain and just a few of the many thousands of boulders she has been encountering. The winds have not died down at all and she has had to be VERY careful lately not to get blown right off the side of the rock face. (Be careful Mom) It is getting very cold at night and for those of you who really know Mom she is ALWAYS cold. I guess between wearing all the clothes she has with her, the new coat, and the sleeping bag she has been getting through it just fine. She is fast approaching the 100 Mile Woods and before we know it she will be at Mount Katahdin. Only 2 more food drops...seems unreal...
Monday, August 24, 2009
332 Miles To Go...

I spoke to Mom 1/2 hour ago. She was at the summit of Mt. Washington. She was thankful to have the winter coat that I sent her as the high for today is 50 degrees up there. Despite the cold, wind, rain, and fog and 6000+ foot climb she never sounded happier. She was able to send me this photo of her at the summit to share with everyone. She will be in touch in a few days once she reaches Gorham, NH and before we know it she will be in Maine.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Two states to go!
Well, I crossed into New Hampshire at noon today, August 14. The miles seem to be flying but I expect that to change in the Whites. I am only planning on 10 miles a day as there is substantial climbing every day now until Kathadin. If I manage more miles, great, if not that is okay too as I will have planned food drops for less. I am happy to say that I finally caught someone that I was hiking with before Trail Days.
Today I did something very special - visited my cousin, Heather, who works at Dartmouth College. She was very surprised and I wish I could put our picture up here but my USB port is at the bottom of my pack and it would take me a half hour to find it. Sorry Heather, I will get your picture up as soon as I can.
I can summarize Connecticut and Massachusetts in two words - mud and mosquitoes. That is it. The mud was ankle deep and the mosquitoes were relentless. I was able to enjoy a family camping weekend which was absolutely wonderful. I was able to visit with everyone and relax for a change. And I had a pillow to use at night. It makes a big difference.
Vermont - well a few things, less mud, fewer mosquitoes which was a relief. I was able to spend a night with my uncle and a day canoeing with him. Sitting in the canoe was very nice for a change. Then back to the trail to Manchester Center where I got to visit with my friend. I was very happy to see her and visit the town. I, also, had to go to the doctor's while there as I thought I had another infection like I had before and unfortunately I was right. I am back on two antibiotics but was not advised to leave the trail and therefore am still out here walking. Climbed our first 4,000 footer in quite some time when I got to Killington and then turned east toward NH.
There has been a lot of up and down hiking for the past few days which I hope has gotten me in shape for the next goal - Moosilake (over 5,000 ft). I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and will write again when I can.
Today I did something very special - visited my cousin, Heather, who works at Dartmouth College. She was very surprised and I wish I could put our picture up here but my USB port is at the bottom of my pack and it would take me a half hour to find it. Sorry Heather, I will get your picture up as soon as I can.
I can summarize Connecticut and Massachusetts in two words - mud and mosquitoes. That is it. The mud was ankle deep and the mosquitoes were relentless. I was able to enjoy a family camping weekend which was absolutely wonderful. I was able to visit with everyone and relax for a change. And I had a pillow to use at night. It makes a big difference.
Vermont - well a few things, less mud, fewer mosquitoes which was a relief. I was able to spend a night with my uncle and a day canoeing with him. Sitting in the canoe was very nice for a change. Then back to the trail to Manchester Center where I got to visit with my friend. I was very happy to see her and visit the town. I, also, had to go to the doctor's while there as I thought I had another infection like I had before and unfortunately I was right. I am back on two antibiotics but was not advised to leave the trail and therefore am still out here walking. Climbed our first 4,000 footer in quite some time when I got to Killington and then turned east toward NH.
There has been a lot of up and down hiking for the past few days which I hope has gotten me in shape for the next goal - Moosilake (over 5,000 ft). I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and will write again when I can.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Now in New York!
Howdy, it has been a while since I have been able to submit a post but here I am in New York, tomorrow New Jersey, and then the next day New York for good. I have done more than 1300 miles so far and have less than 900 to go. Oh no, I am going to have to slow down or else this journey will be done before I know it. Then what will I do, get a job???? Still have not figured out how to get paid for long distance hiking but I wil before I
get to
Kathadin for sure.
Sorry most of the pictures are sideways, don't know how to rotate them.
I could not begin to remember all the adventures that I have had since I wrote last but I will share a few that will give you an idea of them. Shelly is right PA sucked. I only saw a four foot path of gray rock. You cannot look up at all or you risk a broken ankle from the boulders underfoot. This picture does not even begin to show the misery that is Pennsylvania but it should give you and idea. I did like hiking out of Palmerton, however. Palmerton is a superfund site with a mountain that they are trying to rescue that was dying due to zinc smelting. I had a lot of real climbing to do that was a lot of fun.
This is my impression of a turtle. Yes, I feel again in slow motion and m
y pack fell right into a hole. I was stuck with all four "legs" waving in the air. Android came back and offered a hand but I asked him to take a photo first. I had to take my pack off as advised by Cool Breeze many months ago now before attempting to get up. We laughed for several miles following this incident.
Not all is fun though. This past week I did see my first two rattlesnakes and litterally fell apart. New Jersey apparently has more than it's share of snakes. I was hiking alone ahead of everyone and came to a ledge that I had to climb down. I saw a huge snake (big enough so that I could not see it's head and the ledge was 5 ft long) with a rattle at it's tail. I turned to run and it started rattling at me. Never will I forget that sound. I ran at full speed until I got to a rock big enough to stand on. I looked back to see if it was chasing me which I know is illogical but that is what a phobia is, right? One Step came down the trail and asked if I was okay. I feel to pieces at his question and asked him to bring me home! He responded with "I promise to get you to the next shelter" I so wanted to talk to my son, Kyle, who was supposed to get me through the tough days but I couldn't so talked to One Step. He went to see if he could find the snake. Moe and Whup Whup came along the trail in the meantime and talked to me. One Step returned to say all was safe and we walked together to the ledge. One Step and Whup Whup went down first and literally beat the bushes for me. I could not step off that ledge and stood there crying hysterically. One Step looked me in the eye and said "It is okay, C'mon". I knew at that moment that I have some true friends and that I had to trust him. Crying I climbed down that ledge and followed One Step down the trail. All stayed with me that day and as we rested at Rattlesnake Mt. (oh yes, had to climb that mountain as that is where the trail led me) Whup Whup stood up and said "Nature, stay where you are". I knew what was happening as he stood in front of me. I put my shoes on asap and he and I left. All the others admired the little 4 footer that had come out of hiding. Android has escorted me through the remainder of New Jersey. A heartfelt thank you to my friends and I know that I have been blessed with lifelong friends on this trail.
Lion King tells me that New York has rattlesnakes as well but One Step who is now in front of me sent me a message via a southbounder that he has not seen any snakes and it is okay. I am truly blessed.
Finally a picture for Dan! and of a bear that could have cared less that I was watching him gorge on blueberries.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
So I am a slacker...

It has been a while since I made an update, no excuses I have just been busy. I was however threatened over the weekend (Aunt Ginny) that I had better update the blog or else...Love you too! :)
So I am sure you are all wondering...where is she??? I spoke to her last night and she will be in Delaware Water Gap, PA tomorrow, which is .2 miles away from New Jersey. That's right New Jersey. She will be close enough for everyone to go visit before we know it.
It has been a while so let me back up a little. All the AT hikers are required to check in when they begin their hike, when mom checked in down in GA there were about 2500 people who had checked in before her. The next check point is in Harpers Ferry, WV. I guess if you make to Harpers Ferry your success rate for completing the hike sky rockets because most people don't even make it that far. Mom was a proud number 506 when she checked in at Harpers Ferry. That means at least 2000 people in front of her could not make it.
She continued on from there through MD and into PA. The PA hiking has been miserable overall and that is putting it nicely. She said that there are so many rocks that you CAN NOT look around at the scenery she has to watch her feet and the ground at all times. This was expected, but it doesn't make it any easier when you are walking through it. She of course wants to enjoy her surroundings, PA has not allowed for that and I know she is looking forward to crossing the state line. They are stopping tomorrow to go into town for food and to go to the movies...all she could talk about last night was buying herself a jumbo size popcorn and eating the whole damn thing herself.
A few good stories from the past few weeks...
She did a 25 mile day last week. About 20 miles in to the 25 miles she could see a sign off in the distance to the side of the trail. As she approached and read the sign she couldn't help from falling down not due to rocks, but from laughter as the sign read "Pennsylvania apologizes for all the friggin' rocks..." that got her through the last 5 miles that day.
About 2 weeks ago my phone rang and the person on the other end of the phone was claiming to be Mom, but I really don't know who it was. This person was staying in a hostel upstairs from a bar, had actually been in the bar, and had been shooting pool all night long. Who was that?? Any guesses because I don't know.
That is it for now. We are projecting she will be in CT/MA by the end of the month. A bunch of us are going to go camping and meet her on the trail. She and her fellow hikers are going to come back and camp with us for a night or two. I hope to get some pictures and perhaps she can make an entry herself. I encourage all of you to meet her somewhere and walk for a mile, or two, or 100 feet if that is the distance you can go. To have the opportunity to share this with her is something that none of us should pass up.
Friday, June 26, 2009
A few Mom Pics

Basher, MND, & Dragon Breath
I know I am slacking no map today, I will have to do one next week. Meme was able to forward me a few pictures of Mom with her current hiking buddies that I though you might enjoy. She has been through the Shenandoas with them and they should now be 1 day away from Harper's Ferry, WV. Can you belive it??? WV already...we will be seeing her in person before you know it.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hi all, well today I am in Front Royal, got here about noon. Front Royal is the end of the Shenandoah National Forest. The Shenandoahs are simply beautiful. The Skyline Drive winds through a hundred miles of forest and the AT follows the Drive although far enough away so that we do not here the cars except where we need to cross the road. Road crossings here are dangerous in that there are waysides at road crossings. What is a wayside you might ask - a restaurant for one with real food, oh my! and Blackberry milkshakes, you have to try one if you ever come here. They are awesome.
I have seen about 10 black bears and 40 deer in the Shenandoahs. I love it especially the bears. They are a beautiful animal. They are very quiet and you do have to look for them but they can be found. A friend I am walking with (Basher) has a great picture of a small bear trying to steal his water bottle. He had taken a break with his headphones on and did not here the little guy walking up to him until he saw the water bottle moving. I will try to get a copy of it for everyone to see.
Well, I have to share a story as Shelly told me that if I don't share with everyone she will. We ended up camping at Big Meadow Campground one night. My first priority was a shower. To that end we had supper, got a campsite, set up tents and then I went to the shower and laundry area. I put my stuff in the shower and then had to go get quarters for the shower. I then jumped in the hot shower so happy until ---- I heard male voices! Oh my gosh, I had not once but twice walked into the men's shower room rather then the women's. Now what to do, take the longest shower ever that quarters could buy and wait them out - what else could I do? Oh well, the water was hot and I was clean by the time they got done. Alls well that ends will, right?
I do have pictures to share but not the time to upload them - sorry. I will try to next time. I plan to leave tomorrow for Harper's Ferry, WV. I expect it will take me three and a half days to get there and then onto PA and the half way mark. I simply cannot believe that I have come so far and have enjoyed every step of the journey.
Thank you to MEME and LEGG, my southern support team. I saw them for the last time in Waynesboro, VA. It was great to see them and I will miss them as I move through the next few states. I will be back to visit you both before you know it.
I have seen about 10 black bears and 40 deer in the Shenandoahs. I love it especially the bears. They are a beautiful animal. They are very quiet and you do have to look for them but they can be found. A friend I am walking with (Basher) has a great picture of a small bear trying to steal his water bottle. He had taken a break with his headphones on and did not here the little guy walking up to him until he saw the water bottle moving. I will try to get a copy of it for everyone to see.
Well, I have to share a story as Shelly told me that if I don't share with everyone she will. We ended up camping at Big Meadow Campground one night. My first priority was a shower. To that end we had supper, got a campsite, set up tents and then I went to the shower and laundry area. I put my stuff in the shower and then had to go get quarters for the shower. I then jumped in the hot shower so happy until ---- I heard male voices! Oh my gosh, I had not once but twice walked into the men's shower room rather then the women's. Now what to do, take the longest shower ever that quarters could buy and wait them out - what else could I do? Oh well, the water was hot and I was clean by the time they got done. Alls well that ends will, right?
I do have pictures to share but not the time to upload them - sorry. I will try to next time. I plan to leave tomorrow for Harper's Ferry, WV. I expect it will take me three and a half days to get there and then onto PA and the half way mark. I simply cannot believe that I have come so far and have enjoyed every step of the journey.
Thank you to MEME and LEGG, my southern support team. I saw them for the last time in Waynesboro, VA. It was great to see them and I will miss them as I move through the next few states. I will be back to visit you both before you know it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
1/3 Done!! Go Mom!!

She wanted me to let everyone know that although she has fallen behind her original crew she has found another group of wonderful people that she is hiking with and really enjoying their company. These are really good people...her words not mine. Surprisingly she bumped into a few who she figured were way ahead, at camp one night when talking with a new friend she hears "Nature is that you???" and who peers around, but Radar!! She has been spending her time climbing cliffs in the pouring rain (she loves the Tinker Cliffs), enjoying time with new friends, and hitting up random dudes for rides to the post office (they were headed that way anyway, but that is not the point). Although she was not able to send me her own photos she asked that I find a few of the places she went in the past few days that she enjoyed the most. 

That is all for now. We expect to hear from her again next Wednesday when she will be in Waynesboro, VA meeting up with Meme and Mark for the last time (on this trip anyway...I have heard rumors about wanting to through-hike southbound).
1/3 done...over 700 miles...Go Mom!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pearisburg, VA & still trucking
I talked to Mom Sunday night and again Monday morning. She was in Pearisburg and was a day ahead of schedule. She says that was my fault as I asked her not to stay at the Wapiti shelter due to its history. So she didn't sleep there and as a result spent the night at the summit of a mountain in the worst thunderstorm she had seen so far this trip. Sorry Mom. On the up side her knee and ankle are fine. Her feet are sore everyday once she hits the 12-12.5 mile mark, but we determined that is a result of breaking in new boots not her injury. She picked up some gel insoles in town along with her food drop and was headed back out in high spirits.
She is definitely happy to be back on the trail. She has met other people out there, but has every intention of catching back up with her crew soon. Soundtrack and K-bar are each taking some time off in the next few weeks so Mom hopes to make up the time while they are off trail.
I expect to hear from her again next week, probably Wednesday, she should be in Daleville for those of you keeping track. I will keep you posted and encourage everyone to go check out the pics she took. She really is having the time of her life...
She is definitely happy to be back on the trail. She has met other people out there, but has every intention of catching back up with her crew soon. Soundtrack and K-bar are each taking some time off in the next few weeks so Mom hopes to make up the time while they are off trail.
I expect to hear from her again next week, probably Wednesday, she should be in Daleville for those of you keeping track. I will keep you posted and encourage everyone to go check out the pics she took. She really is having the time of her life...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Well, I am returning to the trail tomorrow thanks to Meme and Mark as they are driving me north to Bland, VA. I heard from K-Bar today that she and my friends are in Daleville, VA. I wish I was with them and am hopeful that I can catch up to them at some point. I don't think Kathadin will be the same without my partner. They need to slow down and I need to run! Not!
I have enjoyed my time with Meme very much and she has made sure that I am well fed and rested. I am not even sure today if my clothes will fit anymore. She makes the best popcorn ever and we have it every night.
I am very happy to be returning and can't wait to get back out there. I will stay in touch and let everyone know how it goes.
I have enjoyed my time with Meme very much and she has made sure that I am well fed and rested. I am not even sure today if my clothes will fit anymore. She makes the best popcorn ever and we have it every night.
I am very happy to be returning and can't wait to get back out there. I will stay in touch and let everyone know how it goes.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Darn it all!
as soon as the darn meds are done, I am out of here and back on the trail. I will get to Kathadin this year. Of course, now all my friends will be a week ahead of me which really saddens me but as Cool Breeze reminded me several times I can meet more people and have more friends when I return for Trail Days next year.
I have been at Meme's less than a day now and have realized what a luxury hot water and toilet are. Anyone who has those two things is a wealthy person in my mind. Guess, my future goals will have to include these two things but beyond that, hey, I could live in a three sided building and wander the forests and be happy. I just have to figure out how to make money doing that.
I can't belive that I have come this far.
Wow, 583 miles completed when I arrived in Bland, VA last Thursday. That is more than a quarter of the way done. I can't believe that we have come so far. It is mind boggling although we have all decided that we need to slow down, enjoy the ride and make it last. Not going to do many more 23+ milers unless it is for a good reason, like getting close to town so that we can hike in and have hot coffee for breakfast. Oh yeah, have I told anyone that this coffee drinker has only ONE 8 ounce cup of cold coffee mixed with protein drink for breakfast. I miss my pot of hot coffee for sure. But what I have is sufficient to allow me to hike throughout the day and get going in the morning as quickly as possible so that we have enough time to hike the miles we want.

Friends - oh my gosh, I love all my fellow thru hikers so much. We have fun everyday. We celebrate every day even if it is raining which really is not so bad unless everything you own is dripping wet which does happen but not too often. I have met so many wonderful people on this trail that I could not begin to introduce them all to you. I think a few pictures will suffice t
o show us at our best. Enjoy - I will write more later.

There is so much to write about that I do not really know where to start so have decided to talk about the best day yet. Hiked out of Damascus, VA to the Mt. Rogers State Park - okay let me back up a bit first with a scary story as it precedes the good day. While hiking out of Damascus, VA, we had to hike a part of the Virginia Creeper Trail (for those of you that are bikers, you should check out this trail, it is beautiful) and then cross a bike bridge. There was a plaque there telling about the bridge, the man that it was dedicated to etc... I read it all and then stepped onto the bridge, viewing the river and bridge. I noticed that the bridge was screwed together and that there was one big screw. Why I wondered and decided to check it out - until it opened it's eyes to view me! Biggest snake I have ever seen in my life, being a girl about such things, I of course ran down the bridge screaming, which disturbed the other big black snake that was sunning itself. Oh yeah, hysteria ensued ---- finally got off that darn bridge and into the woods where I think I am safer. Later, at the shelter, there was quite a discussion about these two characters and general consensus was that they were six feet long. I disagreed, I am sure they were more like twenty feet long when I saw them. So the snake count is two to date. Soundtrack has a great picture of one of them that I will upload when I get a copy from him.
The hike to Thomas Knob the following day was a nice hike through forests and fields to the highest point in VA, Mt. Rogers. Mt. Rogers was a
bit of a challenge as we have encountered some rain along the way and all the streams are running high. We had to ford streams were all the stones were below water, cross bridges that had waterfalls crashing down over them, and follow the white blazes no matter where they were. At one point, I thought I had gotten lost and was following a stream instead. No, it was the AT "creek" I was following once I found the next blaze. Once we got to Thomas Knob Shelter, it was clear that we were in for more storms. That night, I think the winds got to 60 mph. Wow, what a windy night. I found out later that not too far away (Atkins, VA) they had a possible tornado. I love the wild weather, don't you? We did not get to have pizza at the shelter though. That would have made it a perfect night.
The good day - left the Thomas Knob shelter and hiked to the Grayson Highlands State Park. My heart sang as we climbed over the rock outcroppings, crossing the bald and finding the WILD PONIES! 
They have free run of the state park and look very happy and healthy. I had apples for all and played with them for quite some time. K-Bar has the best picture of this but I do have a few to share with you. I fell in love with this area and fully intend to return to explore more of this beautiful area. The park is mountainous and grassy with lots of rock outcroppings to explore. Aren't there guys and girls cute? Yes, there is a foal in one picture and he is one of many th
at I saw. There were paints, buckskins and lots of solid color ponies to watch. Make no mistake about it, they are wild. They are not domesticated and are just as happy to bite or kick you as let you come near. Of course they also like apples and let me feed them. The park ranger was not around when I was there but I understand that they discourage people from interacting with the ponies. I do understand why but am so glad that I got to visit with them for half the day. This day has been my favorite so far. I hope that all thru hikers enjoy this area as much I did.
As favorite as it was, there have been so many others since I last wrote that I could go on for pages talking, describing the beauty that I have lived with. But there other things as well
, have you heard of trail magic? Well this is what it looks like sometimes. That is right, just a cooler set off the trail with drinks maybe a snack or two for thru hikers to look forward to, enjoy, and be thankful for. Of course, the worst, is when you see the cooler, imagine the cold Coke and Little Debbie's Oatmeal cookie, savor the idea while you are getting down the switchback only to find the cooler empty - what a let down. Crazy Horse says trail magic doesn't happen in New Englad much, well, K-Bar and I have decided that we are going to prove him wrong next year. While approaching Bland, VA, the trail magic consisted of two gallon jugs of water (there is little in the area) and a print out of the next 10 day's worth of weather forcast. It doesn't take much to make trail magic happen or to make a thru hiker happy.
Friends - oh my gosh, I love all my fellow thru hikers so much. We have fun everyday. We celebrate every day even if it is raining which really is not so bad unless everything you own is dripping wet which does happen but not too often. I have met so many wonderful people on this trail that I could not begin to introduce them all to you. I think a few pictures will suffice t
Friday, May 15, 2009
Off to Trail Days

Thursday, May 7, 2009
She made it to Virginia

Mom and Mark (cousin)
She is coming off the trail next week for a three day all out party known as Trail Days. 30,000 hikers invade Damascus every year and enjoy things ranging from water gun fights to talent shows and more. Please see the following address if you want to learn more
Monday, April 27, 2009

This is where they stayed last night

Hiking Gypsy (i.e. MND) (i.e. Mom) (i.e. Donna) and her friends...
Left to right (hope I get this right)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hot Springs, NC
Howdy all, yes, I am having the time of my life out here on the trail. I left Fontana Dam and had a wonderful trip through the Smoky Mountains that included cold (again), ice (again), rain (again) but the last 2.5 days were sunny and clear! We got to Clingman's Dome and the weather cleared after hiking there in ice. The views are indescribable. I did take pictures that I am sure will not share the majesty of the mountains here. I will share those when I return. I can tell you that the mountains range in color on a good day from midnight blue to the a pale sky blue depending on
distance from peak that I was standing on and I could see for miles. On a stormy day, those same mountains range from pearly gray to a dark forbidding gray that chills the heart. Those chilly mountain ranges peak in and out of swirling, misty clouds that curl around or bash against the mountain range. You know I do love a stormy day as much as a sunny day so all are good ones to me. Radar joined us through the Smokies, as a former thru-hiker, he had a lot of knowledge of the area and brought us to Mt. Cammerer Tower (a mile of the trail). The tower is poised right at the end of a cliff and offers 360 degree views of the northern Smokies. Well worth the extra miles to see how far we had travelled and how far we had to go to make it here.
The bear - now that is a story for sure. We stayed at Roaring Fork Shelter two nights ago. A feisty male bear decided that he might enjoy our food and climbed a tree next to the bear cables. (I will post a picture sometime of the bear cables so that you can see them) Well, a man had set his tent up not too far from the cables and the bear has not pleased with his choice of campsite. He was up the tree, huffing at the man. I had heard tree branches breaking as the bear climbed the tree but did not realize what it was until I heard him yell "Jones, there is a freaking bear out here over my head!" We all had our headlamps on in a flash as this was happening at 10:00 PM (hiker midnight). Sure enough, there he sat on a small branch trying to reach out and snag a food bag. We watched him, yelled and eventually, he climbed down and ran away. By that time, the three men in tents had climbed into the fully occupied shelter for safety. We were now packed liked sardines in a can and had to all turn from one side to the other or no one turned over. My friend from Israel, Tom, turned his head lamp on and to our surprise there stood the bear again less than 20 feet away! He was so quiet we never heard him. We all joined in the fight to save food by yelling, blowing whistles etc... until he left again and hopefully for the last time. We took turns sleeping, turning and checking the woods with our trusty headlamps and finally morning arrived. The oatmeal was especially tasty that morning as we had worked so hard to protect it. What would have happened if someone would have lost their food bag - all would have shared to make sure that no one went hungry. Thru hikers do take care of each others and those that they share the trail with.
Dan - I found evidence of Bigfoot and wanted to share with you. This picture is K Bar's boot inside the bootprint of the biggest bootprint I have ever seen. Maybe he is out there tracking me - What do you think?
I only have a half hour at the library so have to make this short. I am going to try and add a few pages for everyone with the flowers etc..that I have seen. I do not carry field guides with me so if you recognize a flower or such please do let me know what they are. I thought maybe the Clarke School for the Deaf elementary kids might be able to find out this information for me too.
And lastly, a shout out to the Springfield YMCA. I have made it up a lot of mountains thanks to you and your classes. Pilates has certainly helped me carry that 35 pound pack too.
270 Miles in 26 Days
Monday, April 13, 2009
18 Days on the Trail
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Made it to the Smokies today!
Howdy all, wow made it to Fontana Dam today. I can't believe it, I am in the Smokies. Today, Meme treated K Bar, Cloudbuster and I to a day off and some great food - real veggies and fruit. I love it and have eaten way too much but will be working it off tomorrow. 12 miles uphill!
So we have dealt with the cold and some very intense storms thus far. I have a number of pictures to share that can say more than my words so here we go ....
This is what a shelter looks like from the loft after a day of hiking in the rain. Everything is hung to dry by everyone.
I hate to say this but I have seen lots of evenings like this thus far.
The summit of Blood Mountain, highest peak in Georgia. A cold day for sure with lots of ice everywhere.
K-Bar and Nature walking out of Neels Gap, GA on the adventure of a lifetime. Check out K-Bar's website if you have time. She is awesome.
Charlsey, you must come by your modeling skills genetically. I know how to strike a pose too!
A Shelter during the snowstorm, we are trying to get the fire going, finally did and then burned my socks trying to warm my feet.
A snow angel in the making.
More pictures can be found on That's all for now folks as I want to visit with my Meme for a few minutes and we leave early tomorrow morning to attempt the first of the Smokies.
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