Sunday, July 19, 2009

Now in New York!

Howdy, it has been a while since I have been able to submit a post but here I am in New York, tomorrow New Jersey, and then the next day New York for good. I have done more than 1300 miles so far and have less than 900 to go. Oh no, I am going to have to slow down or else this journey will be done before I know it. Then what will I do, get a job???? Still have not figured out how to get paid for long distance hiking but I wil before I get to Kathadin for sure.

Sorry most of the pictures are sideways, don't know how to rotate them.
I could not begin to remember all the adventures that I have had since I wrote last but I will share a few that will give you an idea of them. Shelly is right PA sucked. I only saw a four foot path of gray rock. You cannot look up at all or you risk a broken ankle from the boulders underfoot. This picture does not even begin to show the misery that is Pennsylvania but it should give you and idea. I did like hiking out of Palmerton, however. Palmerton is a superfund site with a mountain that they are trying to rescue that was dying due to zinc smelting. I had a lot of real climbing to do that was a lot of fun.

This is my impression of a turtle. Yes, I feel again in slow motion and my pack fell right into a hole. I was stuck with all four "legs" waving in the air. Android came back and offered a hand but I asked him to take a photo first. I had to take my pack off as advised by Cool Breeze many months ago now before attempting to get up. We laughed for several miles following this incident.

Not all is fun though. This past week I did see my first two rattlesnakes and litterally fell apart. New Jersey apparently has more than it's share of snakes. I was hiking alone ahead of everyone and came to a ledge that I had to climb down. I saw a huge snake (big enough so that I could not see it's head and the ledge was 5 ft long) with a rattle at it's tail. I turned to run and it started rattling at me. Never will I forget that sound. I ran at full speed until I got to a rock big enough to stand on. I looked back to see if it was chasing me which I know is illogical but that is what a phobia is, right? One Step came down the trail and asked if I was okay. I feel to pieces at his question and asked him to bring me home! He responded with "I promise to get you to the next shelter" I so wanted to talk to my son, Kyle, who was supposed to get me through the tough days but I couldn't so talked to One Step. He went to see if he could find the snake. Moe and Whup Whup came along the trail in the meantime and talked to me. One Step returned to say all was safe and we walked together to the ledge. One Step and Whup Whup went down first and literally beat the bushes for me. I could not step off that ledge and stood there crying hysterically. One Step looked me in the eye and said "It is okay, C'mon". I knew at that moment that I have some true friends and that I had to trust him. Crying I climbed down that ledge and followed One Step down the trail. All stayed with me that day and as we rested at Rattlesnake Mt. (oh yes, had to climb that mountain as that is where the trail led me) Whup Whup stood up and said "Nature, stay where you are". I knew what was happening as he stood in front of me. I put my shoes on asap and he and I left. All the others admired the little 4 footer that had come out of hiding. Android has escorted me through the remainder of New Jersey. A heartfelt thank you to my friends and I know that I have been blessed with lifelong friends on this trail.

Lion King tells me that New York has rattlesnakes as well but One Step who is now in front of me sent me a message via a southbounder that he has not seen any snakes and it is okay. I am truly blessed.

Finally a picture for Dan! and of a bear that could have cared less that I was watching him gorge on blueberries.
Will write again as soon as I can.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So I am a slacker...

It has been a while since I made an update, no excuses I have just been busy. I was however threatened over the weekend (Aunt Ginny) that I had better update the blog or else...Love you too! :)

So I am sure you are all wondering...where is she??? I spoke to her last night and she will be in Delaware Water Gap, PA tomorrow, which is .2 miles away from New Jersey. That's right New Jersey. She will be close enough for everyone to go visit before we know it.

It has been a while so let me back up a little. All the AT hikers are required to check in when they begin their hike, when mom checked in down in GA there were about 2500 people who had checked in before her. The next check point is in Harpers Ferry, WV. I guess if you make to Harpers Ferry your success rate for completing the hike sky rockets because most people don't even make it that far. Mom was a proud number 506 when she checked in at Harpers Ferry. That means at least 2000 people in front of her could not make it.

She continued on from there through MD and into PA. The PA hiking has been miserable overall and that is putting it nicely. She said that there are so many rocks that you CAN NOT look around at the scenery she has to watch her feet and the ground at all times. This was expected, but it doesn't make it any easier when you are walking through it. She of course wants to enjoy her surroundings, PA has not allowed for that and I know she is looking forward to crossing the state line. They are stopping tomorrow to go into town for food and to go to the movies...all she could talk about last night was buying herself a jumbo size popcorn and eating the whole damn thing herself.

A few good stories from the past few weeks...

She did a 25 mile day last week. About 20 miles in to the 25 miles she could see a sign off in the distance to the side of the trail. As she approached and read the sign she couldn't help from falling down not due to rocks, but from laughter as the sign read "Pennsylvania apologizes for all the friggin' rocks..." that got her through the last 5 miles that day.

About 2 weeks ago my phone rang and the person on the other end of the phone was claiming to be Mom, but I really don't know who it was. This person was staying in a hostel upstairs from a bar, had actually been in the bar, and had been shooting pool all night long. Who was that?? Any guesses because I don't know.

That is it for now. We are projecting she will be in CT/MA by the end of the month. A bunch of us are going to go camping and meet her on the trail. She and her fellow hikers are going to come back and camp with us for a night or two. I hope to get some pictures and perhaps she can make an entry herself. I encourage all of you to meet her somewhere and walk for a mile, or two, or 100 feet if that is the distance you can go. To have the opportunity to share this with her is something that none of us should pass up.